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Mr Blue Sky quickly gave way to Storm Clouds on Friday 19th

Lenny McCoy

Last week I was in Florida working on one of my Consultanacy Jobs and the Sun was most definately shining in the sky, well until Friday that is.. when the outlook became a little unsettled. On the news, as i was preparting to travel home to the UK was a breaking story about an outbreak of Blue Screens on Windows all across the world. These blue screens resulted in flights being cancelled, hotels not being able to access guest information, shops closing due to them not being able to access their systems, doctors not being able to access patient records and a lot more besides.

The world once again got a big wake up call which reminded us all of our reliance on digital technology and how we have a reliance on an ever shrinking number of suppliers and single points of failure. As a provider of education to youngsters in the digital sector it reminded me of why we are doing what we do at SGE.

I wondered how many of the businesses and organisations affected had outsourced their products and services and found themselves without the expertise or staff to overcome the technical issues that they were facing.

How many had not developed contingency plans and placed trust in the Cloud providers because they were too big to fail ?

I suspect the answer was that most had a realisation a bit too late and paid the cost in lost revenue or an inability to delivery services.

Businesses have watered down their collective knowledge in the digital sector for cost reduction and convenience.

Here at SGE we are providing our students with the core skills to be able to see past the Blue Sky and look out for those storm clouds or those crowdstrikes..

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